Modern details refresh your everyday go-tos.

Quality First

Our bags are designed in New York from fine Italian textiles.


“J E M M A was created to inspire women to redefine life on their own terms. We are redefining what should be a handbag...”

I started as a frustrated consumer who was looking for better handbag options for working women like myself. But after putting up with bags with a sad little pocket and a black hole or carrying multiple bags around the city to make up for each bag’s deficiency, I had enough! I realized that people making our handbags didn’t seem to care about what we truly needed at all.

I went from frustrated consumer to passionate women’s advocate. I really care about how women could benefit from their daily necessity — handbags  — and giving women better options that allow her to carry everything she wants in her life today and still look beautiful. 

I built J E M M A for her. 

J E M M A was created to inspire women to redefine life on their own terms. We are redefining what should be a handbag and we’ll continue to redefine together. 


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